I am Beloved
These three words have changed our life. Jesus is the perfect image of The Father. His kindness leads us to repentance and delivers us from the heavy burden that religion laid upon many of our backs. The love found in the eyes of Jesus will fix what your striving never could.
Damon and his wife Tammy are spiritual parents to many sons and daughters who are leading churches across the county. Part of their primary role is providing oversight and mentorship to these ministries. Damon and Tammy live in Mobile, AL with their two sons Elijah and Judah.
Damon began his ministry in 1998, but in 2009 was radically changed by the revelation of beloved identity. Damon has been walking with the same spiritual father since he was a 12-year-old boy. Aaron Smith has served as an Apostle to Damon during his entire ministry. In 2022 Damon was asked to move to his home church in Mobile, AL to take over his Apostle’s church. Damon is now the senior leader of The Homestead Mobile and is stewarding a movement where many people are moving from all over the country to join a kingdom family that is being established and rooted in the love of Abba.
Damon’s heart is to see individuals come into their greatest days of Union with Abba through the revelation of beloved identity. His primary message is God is good and we are His beloved sons and daughters. He is honored to have a voice into leaders who are embracing this message and impacting the globe with the love and goodness of Yahweh.